Programmatic Summit Bogotá Training

programmatic summit

Last Wednesday, August 2, our team participated in a programmatic advertising training.

What is programmatic advertising?

With the evolution of technologies, spaces have been created to develop new forms of advertising. In this sense, programmatic advertising is a type of online advertising that refers to an automated purchase of audience space on the Internet. It connects a brand with the user through a related ad at the right time and place.

In other words, it is a form of display advertising that allows the advertiser to access a series of advertising space (called inventory) through on-demand technology platforms on websites. Programmatic buying allows the advertiser to connect their brand with the target they want, at the time they want and in the geographic location they are most interested in.

By means of Big Data, audience segmentation is carried out and advertising is directed to the indicated audience. The programmatic advertising system is based on DSP (Demand Side Platform) algorithms that create relationships in the free spaces in different online media with the advertisers’ data regarding the target they are looking for.

Programmatic advertising seeks to establish a native advertising strategy, carry out a good advertising planning in Social Ads or create experts in the Google Ads display network.

Therefore, we could define programmatic buying as a new way of buying space in online advertising in an automated way. This purchase can be made in different media and websites from the same control panel by searching for specific audiences and users to impact at exact moments.

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